Success Stories

I found so much transformation. I felt it had such an effect on me immediately. It was powerful. I want to encourage anyone who is considering doing the LMA course — This is the best investment that you will ever make in your life. Your life is worth it.

The LMA program had me do the inner work and allowed me to dream and to move forward. It gave me the tools, the confidence, to move forward. It made me be conscious of my thoughts and beliefs that were preventing me from moving forward. And this is what I have been able to work on during the program.  I am so happy, I am thriving. And I am sure if you decided to move forward with the program you will feel the same as I do. 

I have struggled with depressions since I was ten, where I said to myself one or two times every year, that I don’t want to live. And you, Tim, have made me want to live again. You have made me see my future self. When you are at the stage where you don’t want to live anymore, you don’t see love anywhere around you. It’s hard to see love when you can’t find love in yourself. And Tim and Alice and the whole LMA course, you have made me find love in myself. 

The one thing that attracted me to LMA was I really felt Tim was coming from the heart when I was watching that initial video that made me sign up. My heart was saying ‘go for it, do this, it’s going to change everything’. But my head was saying, ‘hang on a minute, what about the money?’ But I definitely shouldn’t have worried about it as it’s given back ten fold.

I can confirm this LMA course is the real deal. It does exactly what Tim talks about and delivers its promises, providing you put in effort.

I came across LMA as I was turning 40. I was searching for something online, a course, something I could get into to change my life. I was struggling financially and was looking on YouTube for something free to be honest with you. But one of the first things that came across to me about Tim was his energy. I knew he wasn’t trying to sell me something but actually was trying to give me something that would change my life. What LMA really gave me is a set of tools and a way to look at my decisions and why I was making those decisions. It was so powerful as it gave me a way to observe myself. So don’t hesitate. What if this is the right decision for you and you don’t take it? So definitely take the chance! 

I am here to tell you this will change your life. It will be a dramatic difference for your self love, to bring you out of suffering and into the light. And I can’t express how grateful I truly am for Tim Han and for the brilliant LMA team and the amazing, amazing support you get in the LMA community. It is beyond words. My confidence level is, from then to now, indescribable. It has elevated me to new heights that I would never have imagined. 

I couldn’t be happier with the LMA program! Initially I started because I was in flux for decades. I have been doing self help for years and years and years on my own with self help books, YouTube videos, and it never took me to the next level. But LMA, the way it is laid out is brilliant. It really worked for me. It has made tremendous change to my confidence and self love that I didn’t know was possible. It has affected my children and my family. People have noticed a change in me. 

The community is so great! There is so much spirit, so much love and so much enthusiasm! And we are all empowering each other and that has really made an impact on me to be able to commit together with this group. 

I was at a time in my life where I was recently divorced, hated my career, was online looking at life coaching courses and career opportunities and trying to figure out my life as I was completely unhappy. After starting LMA, I stopped using excuses, stopped living from the old past self and started living from my future, present self. I was obsessed with the information that it gave me and I was just absorbing it and using it in practical life. It gave me the springboard and the fire I was missing to make the changes in my life that I have been trying to make for the last 12 – 16 months. 

All the things that had gone wrong with my life, from childhood, suddenly made sense. This breakthrough wouldn’t have happened if I didn’t start the course with Tim. 

Before starting LMA, I was struggling to find myself. After losing my mum to Covid it really impacted my life so much – I felt like I couldn’t breathe and I couldn’t keep myself above water. I found myself signing up to Tim’s free webinar and before I knew it I found myself committing to the course. The loveliest thing that I’ve experienced through LMA is everyone on the course has just filled me with love and support. All of the positive feedback was just driving me to push myself further beyond my comfort zone.

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