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Hey, I’m Tim Han…

And I’m an international speaker, world-renowned human behaviour expert & founder & CEO of Success Insider.

Like yours, my story is
a bit of a whirlwind. 

Waking up frightened as my mum’s screams pierced the night, the front door slamming closed still echoes in my mind. My violent and abusive father walked out, leaving my mother battered, bruised, and broken.

Over the months to come, my mother had to fend for herself, working day and night just to put food on the table for me and my sister. Seeing her like that was so painful to me, I vowed I would study hard, get a good job and be there for my mother like my father never was.

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But little did I know, life had more bad
news heading my way.

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For our own personal safety, my mother took us from Seoul, South Korea to a small town in England called Poole. On the first day in my new school the bullying began, starting what I look back on as one of the darkest times in my life. It was relentless. I was beaten, abused and humiliated for the colour of my skin and the size of my eyes. For being different.

As a result, I developed toxic limiting beliefs, never ending fears and uncertainties, doubts of my own self-worth and inner resistance to what I was truly worth.

Without options, I figured the only way to escape this pain was to become a bully myself. So when I started high school, I decided to become one of them, so I would never be bullied again.

This decision sent my life spiraling even further as their negative influence pushed me in the wrong direction.

I couldn't see a way out.

Drinking alcohol, and doing drugs became a part of my everyday life. On graduation, everything came crashing down. I realized I had broken the promise I made to my mum to study hard and get a good job.

My terrible grades led me to drop out of pursuing any further education, and I suffered desperately for several months trying to get a new job. When I finally did, the one job I was qualified for certainly wasn’t pretty. I was paid to scrub toilets. Spiraling further into my vices to escape reality, I was on a path to become the worst possible version of myself.

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Timothy Han Image

I was on a path to become my violent and abusive father.

It took everything my mother had to snap me out of this vicious negative state, and wake me up.

On my journey to redemption I was listening to all of the successful people on Youtube who’d been in their own dark place but had managed to reinvent themselves. I kept hearing, over and over again, a common thread. All of these people had used personal growth education to change their lives.

It gave me a sense of hope, even from where I was standing, that it may be possible to change my life.

With that in mind I dove headfirst into personal growth. Studying success stories, theories, and methodologies from every book, course and coach, I could get my hands on. It was almost an obsession as I learnt what was needed to reinvent myself.

Every investment I made in my learning and personal growth journey eventually paid off. As it led me to start a music events business with a business partner and things were finally looking up for me.

From this newfound hope and inspiration, a mindset I truly believe was only possible from delving deep into my personal growth education, I decided to go all in and discover what it really takes to unlock my full potential.

I literally purchased every single program, book and event tickets that I could find. If it had to do with psychology, neuroscience, human behaviour, cognitive behavioural therapy, or neuro-linguistic programming, I was there and I studied, implemented and took new action,every single day. It was this drive which led me to eventually dissolve my crippling toxic beliefs, release my past traumas and finally start feeling unstoppable.

My new confidence, self belief & focus opened the door to an opportunity with
a health supplement company, & with my help we generated $1.9 million in just 12 months.

My friends from the past couldn’t believe it. Was this really Tim? And as more and more kept asking for help, I thought instead of spending hours privately messaging everyone the same answers over and over again, why don’t I upload a simple video on Youtube and share a link with them instead. So I created a quick Youtube channel which I named Success Insider and began to upload videos as I answered the most frequently asked questions on personal growth and development.

I didn’t realize it at the time, but this decision
would end up changing so many lives.

One of my videos went completely viral, and in the span of 5 days reached over 1.2 million people. Success Insider became the fastest growing personal development channel in 2016, in the entire world. I took this as a sign to step into my higher calling and this is the moment when Success Insider was truly born.

By 2019 we had already positively impacted
the lives of over 27.5 million people, all
around the world.

Featuring the likes of Grant Cardone, T. Harv Eker, Evan Carmichael, Patrick Bet-David, Marisa Peer, Vanessa Van Edward on our weekly online show.

Looking back, the last 12 years have been a long, and uphill struggle. I’ve spent countless hours studying the deepest aspects of personal growth, and have had many trials and errors along the way. But seeing the smile on my mum’s face today, I know it has been worth it.

Knowing we’ve been able to positively impact the lives of over 40 million people across the globe with our message makes me realise that this is my ultimate life journey.

Every hardship has been worth it to reach this point, and I know it’s just the beginning. Our ultimate mission here at Success Insider is to positively impact the lives of over 1 billion people around the world. That’s the impact we are striving for. Helping people around the world is truly what ignites my soul every day. That's why, I'm truly grateful that we’ve crossed paths.

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It’s time for you to unlock
your full potential.

All of us here at Success Insider are here for you. To help you get unstuck, to help you realize you are good enough, to help you overcome complacency and stop procrastinating and give you access to the proven tools and methodologies to enable you to start living the life you deserve.

Business /
Professional Bio

Tim Han is a world-renowned coach, author, entrepreneur and international speaker and the founder of Success Insider. What started as the world’s fastest growing personal development YouTube channel in 2016 has transformed and today represents a community of experts helping people like you, rapidly reach success in their own lives.

Speaking on stages across the globe, Tim has instilled his learnings in the Houses of Parliament, the world’s most prestigious universities, and was invited to meet the President.

Dedicating his life to helping others learn the vital skills the traditional education system failed to teach us, the Success Insider mission is to make an impact on 1 billion people. Helping to master your life so you can unlock your full potential and live the extraordinary life you were born to live.

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